Terms & Conditions for Property Listings

The purpose of Bookindirect is to provide internet users with an accommodation directory based on the catch phase “Best Rate Direct”

The following describes the terms and conditions that govern your use of our directory and on which Bookindirect Pty Ltd T/as BookinDirect offers you access to our web site.

Listing Levels

Bookindirect offers property owners two (2) levels of listing

  • BookinDirect Link Listing - For properties with Online Booking software
  • A Basic Listing - For properties that prefer to take booking by Telephone

 BookinDirect Link Listing 

To advertise on the BookinDirect web site at the BookinDirect Link Level the property owner/manager acknowledges that an introductory period will be available where BookinDirect will not ask for fees or contributions to be made. This period is currently 24 months from the first time the property is listed.

After 24 months BookinDirect will review the value of the site to members and will decide if an annual annual membership contribution will be introduced.

To qualify for a BookinDirect Link Advertisement the property must have:

  • A Website
  • A Direct Booking link that will confirm and guarantee bookings on-line.
  • Offer a Best Rate Direct equal or better than the rates displayed on Online Travel Agent Sites that take commissionable bookings.
  • To maintain the accuracy of their Best Rate Direct at all times to support the integrity of the BookinDirect website

Bookindirect undertakes to:

  • Present BookinDirect Link Advertisers before any other levels
  • BookinDirect Link listings will have a direct link to the properties "Online Booking” software and a link to the properties website.
  • BookinDirect Link Advertisements will be displayed in random order to give all listed properties in this group an opportunity to be displayed at the top of the search results.
  • BookinDirect undertakes to promote properties ahead of others that wish to negotiate an annual fee for a permanent  premium position with in their City/Town location. 

Free Basic Listing

To advertise on the BookinDirect web site at the Basic Level the property owner/manager acknowledges that no fees or charges will be levied by BookinDirect

To qualify for a Basic Listing the property must have:

  • An active email enquiry link to take booking enquiries.
  • Be prepared to take bookings via telephone.
  • Offer a Best Rate Direct equal or better than the rates displayed on Online Travel Agent Sites that take commissionable bookings.
  • To maintain the accuracy of their Best Rate Direct at all times to support the integrity of the BookinDirect website

Bookindirect undertakes to:

  • Place Basic advertisers on an other page below BookinDirect Link advertisers
  • Basic Advertisements will be displayed in random order to give all listed properties in this group an opportunity to be displayed at the top of the Basic advertisers in the search results.

Best Rate Direct

BookinDirect Link advertisers and Basic advertisers are required to display a Best Rate Direct. The Best Rate Direct can be changed at the discretion of the property owner/manager at anytime by using the login facility.

To maintain the integrity of the Bookindirect website the Best Rate Direct displayed should be a genuine best rate that is not more than any other rate advertised on any other websites or accommodation directories.

Bookindirect reserves the right to remove a properties listing from display if that property brings the Bookindirect website into disrepute by misleading or false advertising a “Best Rate Direct”.

Property Owner Responsibilities, Warranties and Indemnities

The Property Owner/Manager bears sole responsibility for the accuracy and validity of all property information displayed on the Bookindirect website.

The Property Owner/Manager warrants that no information displayed will be either misleading or offensive.

You warrant that you hold, or, that you are licensed and will continue to be licensed to hold the copyright of all images, graphics, text and data you display on the Bookindirect web site. Bookindirect takes no responsibility for any copyright infringements by the Property Owner/Manager.

The Property Owner/Manager agrees to keep their login password secure and the Property Owner/Manager will make no claim for any loss or damage direct or indirect arising out of or connected with any unauthorised use of the Property Owner’s/Manager’s user name or password.

You indemnify Bookindirect against all costs, expenses, loss or liability that we may suffer (directly or indirectly) resulting from:

  1. your breach of these terms;
  2. your use or misuse of the Service;
  3. the use or misuse of the Service by any person using your account; and, publication of defamatory, offensive or otherwise unlawful material.

BookinDirect warranties and Liabilities

Bookindirect does not warrant that your access to the Bookindirect website will be secure or uninterrupted. Bookindirect will not be liable for any loss resulting from you relying on the security, uninterrupted supply of information or access on the Bookindirect.com.au or Bookindirect.com web site.

Bookindirect must perform scheduled maintenance to databases from time to time. We will attempt to perform all scheduled maintenance at times that will affect the fewest customers.

Bookindirect accepts no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss caused to the Property Owner by inaccurate information supplied by the Property Owner/Manager and displayed on the Bookindirect web site and the Property Owner/Manager agrees to indemnify Bookindirect in respect of any claims arising there from.

Bookindirect accepts no responsibility for email requests generated from your email request link that are delayed or not delivered.

Bookindirect may have provided the initial means of contact between you (the Property Owner) and the Site User, but it takes no responsibility for any transaction entered into between you and the site user. Bookindirect is in no way responsible for the conduct of the customer, should they place a booking. Bookindirect is not responsible for the non-payment by a customer for accommodation booked, the state in which the property is left, or the damage, which may be done to the property.

It is the responsibility of the Property Owner/Manager to finalise and confirm any bookings made to their property from the Bookindirect web site as promptly as possible. Bookindirect cannot be held liable for any problems that may arise including, but not limited to, failure of the booking.

Suspension and Delays to Service

Bookindirect reserves the right to refuse to display any Property Owner’s details or remove all details from Bookindirect web site without giving reason.

We may from time to time without notice suspend the Service or disconnect or deny your access to the Service.

  1. During any technical failure, modification or maintenance involved in the Service provided that we will use reasonable endeavours to procure the resumption of the services as soon as reasonably practicable; or
  2. If you fail to comply with any provision in this agreement (including failure to pay charges due), until the breach (if capable of remedy) is remedied. Notwithstanding any suspension of any service under this clause you shall remain liable for all charges due throughout the period of suspension.

If your account has been suspended or terminated due to your breach, reactivation of your account will be completely at our discretion.

Bookindirect reserves the right to refuse to supply services to a potential customer who has previously had its account with Bookindirect terminated for breach.

Bookindirect may without notice to you remove, amend or alter your data upon being made aware of:

  1. any claim or allegation; or
  2. any court order, judgment, determination or other finding of a court or other competent body, that the data is illegal, misleading, defamatory, offensive or in breach of a third party’s rights.

Bookindirect reserves right to remove you for violating any of these terms and conditions without notice and without a refund.

If your account is closed you must pay all outstanding charges immediately and we may delete all Property Data from the web site.


This web site is the property of Bookindirect Pty. Ltd. In joining Bookindirect web site the Property Owner obtains no rights to the software, databases, hardware and other infrastructure and facilities used by Bookindirect to deliver the Service.

The Property Owner may not modify copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from this web site without the written permission of Bookindirect.

In Conclusion

The Property Owner grants to Bookindirect a license to use and reproduce all Property Owner data in order to fulfil its obligations under this agreement. In this agreement “Property Owner Data ” means all information, data, text, logos, images, and/or content in any form that forms part of the Property Owner’s property information or emails.